The PBCS is a group of people who read the same thing at the same time. All are invited to more or less partake.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

inheritance of loss schedule

Hey guys, See if this works for everyone. I know with holiday stuff it might be tough so we will probably need to be flexible.

With the idea of meeting at DotCom:

pages 1-113--We could meet after Richard Ford on Dec. 7 (i think most of you are coming anyway) or we could meet on Dec. 12 at 8:00.

Pages 114-209 Dec. 19 at 8:00.

Pages 210-357--after the first of the year. we can decide that together

take a look and see if this will work with your schedule.

There are some events on these dates but they should be over by 8:00.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The PBCS 2-for-1 Special

I was asked last night what I was going to pick for book club. TC already had a good idea what it was going to be. I wasn’t sure-- mostly because I was thinking that a good number of pbcsers might have read the book. Anyway, when I mentioned the book, the fellow pbcsers were pretty agreeable with it, so here it is...

The Stranger

So next week we're at FP’s for one more HOL, and then we’ll meet the following (Thanksgiving) week for a very special PBCS 2-for-1 combo: The History of Love wrap-up & The Stranger since my selection is fairly short.